Precision Wall

- The PrecisionWall application is a software solution that integrates all distributed ITS systems using web technologies and enables intelligent traffic management. Overview of all data on the video wall in real time allows the operator to take prompt and appropriate action and ensures the quality of traffic and safety of all traffic participants.
The PrecisionWall platform is a unique software solution for monitoring and managing key segments of modern ITS systems, enabling the collection, processing and presentation of all relevant data in one central location located in the Traffic Control Centre (CNUP).
The main task of the platform is the integration of data from existing traffic systems in a single user interface with the aim of easier and faster decision making.
Through its intuitive and responsive user interface, specially adapted to the video wall display, it provides the user with in-depth insight into the state of the system in real time, allowing for the monitoring of all critical points in the ecosystem and a prompt response.
Display and search of spatial data (devices) on the map greatly facilitate navigation, while tabular and graphical representations give a clear presentation of the collected data. The layered display of spatial data allows the user to highlight more important data with one click, or filter less important data, which significantly improves the user experience.
The platform is based on microservice architecture and widely available web technologies and supports a wide range of industrial protocols and devices present in existing traffic systems.
Two-way real-time monitoring and management of each component of the system ensure that all information available to the operator is accurate and current and that the operator’s actions in the system are accurate and instant.
The user interface of the platform consists of the following modules:
External links (WIM, Anemo alarm),

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Precision Wall